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The seven virtues of Bushido – III. Benevolence or Mercy

January 26, 2017 0 Comments 1 tag

A man invested with the power to command and the power to kill was expected to demonstrate equally extraordinary powers of benevolence and mercy: Love, magnanimity, affection for others, sympathy and

The seven virtues of Bushido – VI. Honor

February 22, 2017 0 Comments 1 tag

Though Bushido deals with the profession of soldiering, it is equally concerned with non-martial behavior: The sense of Honor, a vivid consciousness of personal dignity and worth, characterized the samurai. He was born and

The seven virtues of Bushido – VIII. Character and Self-Control

March 12, 2017 0 Comments 0 tags

Bushido teaches that men should behave according to an absolute moral standard, one that transcends logic. What’s right is right, and what’s wrong is wrong. The difference between good and bad