The United Federation of Martial Arts (UFMA) is a global family that fosters the spirit of unity among diverse practitioners globally. By bringing together enthusiasts from different disciplines, it promotes mutual respect, collaboration, and shared knowledge through continuous learning.
Our unity will lead us to an exchange of ideas, cultural understanding, and the development of a global martial arts community that transcends individual styles or local boundaries. This unity is intended to allow us to work together exclusively.
The United Federation of Martial Arts (UFMA) is willing to facilitate access to international support from organizations promoting and sponsoring martial arts events through referral and endorsement. UFMA also links members with partners or individuals from other countries to develop business relationships and opportunities outside martial arts.
United Federation of Martial Arts’s members gain access to a more extensive network of experts and attain seminars, learning, training, international travels, and history sharing that develop a worldwide exposure that compliments the offerings of local federations. The increased exchange and collaboration on a global scale could contribute to overall growth and development in practice.